Melanie Altas MD, FRCSC
Director BCCVH, Gynaecologist

Ulrike Dehaeck MD, FRCSC
Director, Vulvar Disease Clinic, Gynaecologist
Dr Nicole Thompson BSc OT, MClSc, MD, FRCSC
Dr Altas is a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of British Columbia in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Following medical school at the University of Toronto she finished specialty training in OB/GYN at UBC in 2007. Providing care for individuals with vulvar conditions and vulvodynia has become a primary focus of her practice. She is committed to improving access to care for individuals with vulvar pain within their own community by increasing public awareness, identifying barriers to care, as well as developing resources for community care providers. Dr Altas is a Fellow of the International Society for Study of Vulvovaginal Disease.
Dr. Dehaeck is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at UBC. She completed medical school and a Masters of Science in clinical epidemiology at the University of Calgary and then residency training in Obstetrics and Gynecology at UBC. Dr. Dehaeck is a gynecologist with an interest in chronic, benign, and pre-malignant conditions of the vulva and dedicates part of her clinical practice to lower genital tract diseases at the Centre for Vulvar Health. She also has a general obstetrics and gynaecology practice in Vancouver located outside the Centre. Dr Dehaeck is Fellow of the International Society for Study of Vulvovaginal Disease
Dr. Nicole Thompson is Clinical Instructor at the University of British Columbia in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. She completed her Doctor of Medicine at the University of Calgary and residency in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at UBC. She also holds a BSc in Occupational Therapy and a Master of Clinical Science in Wound Healing. Dr. Thompson completed her advanced training with the Centre for Vulvar Health in December 2024.Her clinical practice focuses on vulvar diseases and the treatment of vulvodynia, with a strong emphasis on advocacy and inclusivity for gender-diverse populations. Outside of her clinical work, Dr. Thompson mentors future health professionals and is dedicated to advancing compassionate care for individuals navigating health transitions and grief.

Dr Katrina Bouchard,
Ph.D R. Psych
Director, Research, Psychologist

Dr Kaitlyn Goldsmith,
Psychologist, Social Media Lead

Brynn Lavery
Clinical Coordinator
Dr. Bouchard is a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the UBC Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and the Research Director of the BCCVH. She completed a SSHRC-funded PhD in clinical psychology from Queen’s University and a postdoctoral fellowship at Dalhousie University funded by the IWK Health Centre. The overarching goal of Dr. Bouchard’s research program is to enhance the treatment of sexual health concerns, with a focus on women and couples. Dr. Bouchard is a registered psychologist and her clinical practice at the BCCVH focuses on helping individuals and their partners manage sexual and emotional distress related to living with chronic vulvar health concerns (e.g., vulvar pain). She does not currently accept referrals from outside the BCCVH.
Dr. Goldsmith has a PhD in Clinical Psychology from University of New Brunswick. She is an adjunct professor in the UBC Dept. of Psychology and a Clinical Instructor in the UBC Dept of OB/GYN. Dr Goldsmith is a Registered Psychologist in BC. She has extensive experience managing psychological and sexual aspects of chronic vulvar conditions. She is passionate about using technology to improve access and currently conducts research in this area. She directs the Centre's social media and online presence.
Brynn received a BA in Psychology from the University of British Columbia in 2017. She has worked in sexual and reproductive health for several years with UBC Sexual Health Research, Options for Sexual Health, and the Elizabeth Bagshaw Clinic. She also has experience working in mental health with Anxiety Canada and the Vancouver CBT Centre. Brynn is passionate about sexual and reproductive health and strives to reduce shame and stigma, and create a warm atmosphere for patients.

Allison Evers,
Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist
Allison completed her Master of Physical Therapy at the University of British Columbia and has additional training in pelvic health including, bladder/bowel control, pelvic organ prolapse, abdominal separation, low back/pelvic girdle pain, prostate cancer/removal, pre- and postnatal care, pelvic pain and painful intercourse. She is particularly interested in helping women return to running/other forms of exercise post-pregnancy, and treating pain with intercourse.
Gynecologic Oncologists
Members of the UBC Division of Gynecologic Oncology assess and manage women with pre-cancerous and cancerous lesions of the vulva or vulvar conditions that require complex surgery. The current members of this Division include: Dr Sarah Finlayson, Dr Jessica McAlpine, Dr Janice Kwon, Dr Mark Carey, Dr Gavin Stuart, Dr Lily Proctor, Dr Harry Brar, Dr Justin McGinnis, Dr Amy Jamieson, Dr Kimberley Stewart, Dr Andrea Nielsen
Associated Clinicians

Leslie Sadownik, M.D., M.Ed., FRCSC
Founder & Past Director BCCVH, Consultant Gynaecologist

Lori Brotto, Ph.D., R. Psych
Research Associate

Sydney Thomson, M.D., FRCSC
Consultant Gynecologist
Dr. Sadownik is an Associate Professor in the University of British Columbia (UBC) Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Division of Gynecologic Oncology, and an Associate Member of the UBC Department of Dermatology and Skin Sciences. Her clinical practice has focused exclusively on lower genital tract disease -colposcopy, vulvar diseases and vulvar pain conditions.She retired from active practice in 2021, but continues to provide consulting services.
Dr. Brotto is a Professor in the UBC Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. She is the director of the UBC Sexual Health Laboratory where research focuses on developing and testing psychological / psychoeducational interventions for individuals with sexual difficulties and genital pain. She is also the Executive Director of the Women’s Health Research Institute, B.C. Women’s Hospital & Health Centre.
Dr. Thomson is a Clinical Associate Professor at UBC. She graduated from an Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency at UBC in 1990, and did a fellowship year in Sexual Medicine at UBC in 1991. Her clinical practice has always dealt with individuals with sexuality concerns but has become exclusively focused in this area since 1995. She retired from clinical practice in 2020, but continues to provide consulting services.

Dr Georgia Lefas

Dr Ariel Mendlowitz

Dr Emily Stern
Dr. Georgia Lefas is an obstetrician & gynaecologist in Winnipeg, Manitoba. She completed the Advanced Training Fellowsihp in Vulvovaginal Disorders and Sexual Medicine in 2022.
Dr Mendlowitz is a obstetrician & gynaecologist practicing in Cambridge, Ontario. She completed the Advanced Training Fellowship in Vulvovaginal Disorders and Sexual Medicine in 2020.
Dr. Stern is an obstetrician & gynaecologist in Belleville, Ontario. She completed the Advanced Training Fellowship in Vulvovaginal Disorders and Sexual Medicine in 2021.

Dr Mruganka Kale
Dr Mruganka Kale is an obstetrician & gynaecologist in Calgary, Alberta. She will complete the Advanced Training Fellowship in Vulvvaginal Disorders & Sexual Medicine in 2024.